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The official Congrès mondial acadien 2024 Tintamarre - a Tintamarre on foot takes place on Thursday, August 15 on Main Street in Yarmouth, NS at 5:55 pm (17:55).


Down Main Street: Frost Park to Forest Street and back to Frost Park
CMA Maps 30July 2024 Main

How to get there

By shuttle:

Shuttles running from the Yarmouth Airport (the site of the National Acadian Day Concert) will bring you directly to the Tintamarre location. You can park at the airport beginning at 4pm using the entrance on the Haley Road. These shuttles will also bring participants back to the airport after the Tintamarre.

Airport Pick-Up/Drop-Off Locations: 
In front of the Airport Terminal
CMA Maps 30July 2024 Haley Road
Tintamarre Pick-Up/Drop-Off Locations:
Water Street (in front of Frost Park)
Corner of Forest Street & Main Street (pick-up only, after the Tintamarre

By Car:

You can drive to downtown Yarmouth and find nearby parking nearby.

However, please note that from 4:30pm to 7:00pm, Main Street from Public Street to Forest Street will be closed to all traffic and no parking will be allowed on the street within this zone.

On Foot:

If it's within your means, you are also welcome to walk to the Tintamarre site


4:00pmShuttles start running from the Yarmouth Airport to Frost Park
4:00pm-5:55pm Participants gather in/around Frost Park on Main Street (be sure to check out the live broadcast of Radio-Canada/ICI Acadie’s afternoon radio show La mouvée in the gazebo!)
5:55pm – TINTAMARRE!

What to bring 

Noisemakers, your brightest Acadian colours, fun accessories and comfy shoes! Get ready to make some noise!

(If you’re going to the concert at the airport, remember that some objects may not be permitted on the site. Click here to review the list.) 

And after?

Come join us for the National Acadian Day Concert taking place at the Yarmouth Airport! The pre-show starts at 6pm and the big show broadcast live on ICI Télé en Acadie, ICI ARTV and TOU.TV – starts at 9pm.